During the 1980s when many Pipes and Tubes Manufacturing Companies were being shut, a dream to establish Dadu Pipes sprouted somewhere in Banaras (modern Varanasi). Today, Dadu Pipes is considered a tradition and innovation put together in one place.

In fact, Dadu Pipes has never looked back ever since entrepreneur Ram Avatar Agarwal laid the foundation of the company in 2006, says a top company official.

“His sons Rajesh Agarwal and Satish Agarwal are committed to ensure that the products of Dadu Pipes are seen everywhere – from pillars to poles,” he says, adding, “Having been introduced to this business at a very early age in their lives, the Agarwal brothers devoted many years to hard work to gain the expertise in this trade.”

According to the official familiar with the rise of Dadu Pipes over these years, the prestige and credibility that the company has created need no words as its phenomenal growth in leaps and bounds is an affirmation for the same.

An ISO accredited Indian Private Limited Company manufacturing Electric Resistance Welded (ERW), Black and Galvanized Steel Pipes and Tubes, Dadu Pipes provides quality products to meet the demands of its customers from both private and public sectors.

Dadu Pipes’ success stories with many mega projects like State Water and Sanitation Mission (SWSM), Integrated Power Development Scheme aimed at strengthening of sub transmission and distribution networks, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna, and infrastructure development at Ardh-Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj speak volumes about the company’s value and worth.

Credited with being the youngest company to be certified by esteemed organization like Engineers India Ltd. (EIL), Dadu Pipes has made tremendous contribution in bolstering the progress and development of the nation through strictest self-implemented quality control.

When dreams are noble enough to become a vision and vision turns into dedication, great things come into existence. This is so true for steel pipes manufacturing and exporting company Dadu Pipes which is determined to play even more crucial part in India’s progress.

Dadu Pipes is a G Certified company. Follow Dadu Pipes on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin, or learn more from their website.