Pinterest says it’s a growing global community

No matter where you’re from, Pinterest gives you the inspiration you need to create a life you love.

As of today, there are now more than 250 million people who use Pinterest each month. That’s a lot of people (more than the population of Brazil!).

But more than the size of the number, what’s truly exciting is how all those people are using Pinterest.

A cross section of people G Caffe interacted with, said they have a unique mindset while using Pinterest.

True, it is said – When it comes to a great idea, you know it when you see it.

No wonder Pinterest is poised to capture its share of advertising since people come to Pinterest to decide what to try or buy.

Pinterest beauty trends
On Pinterest, people all over the world are searching and saving ideas to make themselves look and feel their best. With over 8 billion beauty ideas and 207 million beauty boards, there’s something for everyone… no matter where you are, what your hairstyle is, or what color skin tone you have.

Pinterest says it is helping a quarter billion people find inspiration

At a time when the internet can feel increasingly negative and politicized, it is remarkable that a quarter of a billion people are choosing to spend their time on Pinterest, a place that helps them feel positive and optimistic about the future.People on Pinterest

Pinners across the globe describe Pinterest as their own positive corner of the internet. It’s where they go to learn about their personal tastes, and get the confidence to try new things.

Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann summarizes the company as a “catalogue of ideas” that inspires users to “go out and do that thing”, rather than as an image-based social network.

Today, when there are popular apps about connecting with friends and inviting more people to join, Pinterest is proving to be a place to reconnect with yourself.

According to a Nielsen study, 98% of Pinners go out and try ideas they find on Pinterest—way more than the 71% social media platform average.

People are going to Pinterest for inspiration—for shoes, for latest design projects, for outfitting new apartment, for recipes, for wall art, for tattoos and what not.

175+ billion ideas and counting

There are now more than 175 billion Pins to explore on Pinterest—up 75 per cent since early last year.

People have been saving all kinds of different ideas here, like products they love, style ideas, art and DIY projects to try.

This means there are now more ideas than ever for other people to discover and get inspired by.

Pinterest also allows businesses to create pages aimed at promoting their companies online. Such pages can serve as a “virtual storefront.”

Evan Sharp, Co-founder, Pinterest
Evan Sharp, Co-founder, Pinterest.

“When we first started building Pinterest eight years ago, we certainly hoped people would use it to get more creative with their daily lives. But we never imagined Pinterest would one day be one of the biggest internet platforms in history,” Pinterest co-founder Evan Sharp said.

Pinterest is a web and mobile application company that operates a software system designed to discover information on the World Wide Web, mainly using images and on a smaller scale, GIFs and videos. The site was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. Pinterest was first conceptualized in December 2009. The first prototype was launched in March 2010 and made available to a small group of colleagues and family members. Since its inception, it has developed into a well-funded site financially supported by a group of successful entrepreneurs and investors.

Pinterest logo login ideas

Domain Ad Campaign by G Caffe

Domain Name Search

Here’s a story of the journey of a dot campaign that I did for G Caffe.

Visual Communication

If content is king, let the visuals be its crown. What say?

The motive of this campaign is to imprint in the mind of viewers a visual element that will always bring them back to the target area of focus i.e.

The visual element chosen is a dot that recurs in each post in a different colour.

Apart from them, the themes which were created needed to be communicated visually.

The pictures chosen were not loud but minimal and focused on the right element which supplemented the copy.

Theme of the Posts

As you can see, the opening image creative above, is like the opening cover for the campaign, a hand reaching out to the dot which is called the ‘world wide net’, a reminder of ‘www’.

Beginning with trainers who are finding different platforms to go online with their skills and small businesses trying to sell their unique products, the domain is a platform which will promote and boost their growth and enable them to reach more clients.

The following three posts below, are completely focused on sports and fitness.

In fact, there has been a rise in awareness regarding the focus on fitness but it’s worth wondering as to how many are actually empowered enough to influence on their own platform!

With this were born the next three posts, laying emphasis on the keywords: ‘passion’, ‘inspire’, and ‘shine’ to promote sports fitness enthusiasts and fitness trainers or influencers.

Given the love for sports, it is always a good time to address the otherwise neglected and afflicted by pandemic fields.

So, what is in a dot, again?

It is a whole wide world we step in together. This is not a campaign to merely sell domains. It is to rise together and step into the online world.

G Caffe also provides wholesome consultation on excelling in the field you love, developing content, and field analysis, in addition to the consultation regarding the right domain name choice.

You must love what you do. G Caffe makes loving your business more convenient for you, dot by dot.

Owning a domain is empowering and empowers you. (Read more about the importance of owning a domain.)

Domain Buy SearchWhere to buy domain from?

G Caffe Dot Net is a platform where you register the domain of your choice. Amongst many services like hosting and web security that this platform provides, domain registration aces the list. Click Here to search your perfect domain!

Dealing with the little devil who ends up chewing furniture, shoes, slippers, cushions and what not

Pet accessories and toy gifts from DILO Pet

Romeo is a tiny fellow, barely 3 months old in this world. He’s a pudgy little field spaniel in beautiful shades of gold. You wouldn’t doubt it a bit if I told you that he was the naughtiest one in his litter.

We got him home at just under 2 months of age, wrapped up in a red shawl. He was a delight from the moment he set his cute paws on the floor. It was easier to call him a cat given his level of curiosity about anything and everything.

He boldly ventures where no doggy had ventured before – from the abandoned box behind the hedge in the garden to the little alcove behind the curtain, Romeo just has to know what lies beneath.

Safe, hazard-free, natural fibre filled toy and cat dog accessories from DILO Pet

He loves to run about the sprawling garden of our bungalow and chase all critters he can find. The squirrels, the moles, even the foraging babbler birds are not spared.

Indoors he is a threat to the dolls that belong to my little daughters. They are his favourites amongst all the playthings around.

The younger one has a very special Barbie that Romeo has set his eyes on. He waits for her to stop playing and set aside this doll and then makes a run for it, grabs the doll by the legs and scoots away under the bed where he knows my daughter can’t reach.

Mind you, this is not a chance grabbing. There have been days when the entire family is watching television in another room and suddenly Romeo appears in the doorway with the said Barbie doll in his mouth.

Safe_ hazard-free, natural fibre filled toy and cat dog accessories from DILO PetHe waits for my younger one to notice him – mind you, she’s just about 7-year-old. The moment she sees her favourite doll in a near maul, she shrieks and runs after Romeo who takes off and hides under the bed, playfully gnawing away at poor Barbie’s fingers.

A few minutes later, my daughter comes back triumphant, her hair astray, brandishing a now-fingerless Barbie. And so the saga continues …

If you find this relatable and you have a little devil who ends up chewing furniture, shoes, slippers, cushions and what not, perhaps it’s time to get a more suitable, doggy-safe toy.

The markets are flooded with amazing chew toys that are sure to keep your little devil occupied and far away from the more delicate possessions in the house like children’s toys and home décor items.

One cute exercise is to take your furry baby along and get him (or her) to choose a toy. You’d be amazed at their decision-making abilities.

So, plan a day of shopping with your lil one and buy a safe, hazard-free, natural fibre filled toy together. It will be the best day of your baby’s life – spending time with you and getting to look at amazing stuff.

Safe, hazard-free, natural fibre filled toy and cat dog accessories from DILO Pet

Training Your Puppy: What You Need to Know

Dog Puppy Toys Accessories online shop from DILO Pet

“Watch out! Here comes the devil…,” Riya yelled across the corridor as her sprightly 4-month-old puppy came dashing out of the room with a tiny cushion in its mouth. This was too much to bear for her.

She had always taken immense pride in keeping her home in a perfect condition. Everything in its place, neatly kept and maintained. The floor was spic and span and you couldn’t spot even a speck of dust. She ran a tight ship and everyone played their part to the letter.

Yet, these past two months had been nothing short of devastating. She had given in to the pleas of her children and after much negotiating, had finally allowed a little puppy to become a part of the household.

“I don’t want any dirt in the house, and everyone will need to pitch in to walk the baby, feed it and look after it.” Of course, everyone agreed and the first one month was relatively smooth.

However, the children then got busy with their studies and social life and now it was all up to her to not only look after the food, walk and general health of the puppy but also to train it.

Though she loved dogs, her patience started to run thin when the little rascal decided to take bites out of her indoor plants and her cushions.

DILO Pet dog puppy accessories and toys buy shop online

The little one was teething, she realised, and she tried all possible ways to get it to stick to the teethers rather than attack her precious home.

One day, while she was trying to train the puppy, her friend and neighbour, Mansi, walked in. Mansi was an avid dog lover and owned two rescue dogs.

So, when she saw Riya struggling with the furry devil, Mansi couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Riya was offended at first but noticed that Mansi was the best bet to help her out.

“How do I get Buster to stay away from my cushions and plants, Mansi? I’m really fed up,” Riya cried out.

Mansi came and sat down beside her friend and said, “Okay, now that Buster is 4 months old, it’s time you started disciplining him. I will show you some simple ways to do it but you must be strict and consistent.”

Riya was happy to oblige. Mansi advised the following:

  1. Be firm in your commands.
  2. Always have a treat ready. It need not be a big thing, take doggy biscuits and break them into little pieces and use these as rewards.
  3. Be patient and consistent. Don’t give in one day and expect your dog to understand when you are firm another day.
  4. Invest in good quality, dog-safe chew toys and use them to play with your puppy. He will understand and associate good playing with the toy thereby leaving your precious home décor alone.

Riya has been following the tips for the past two weeks and she can’t believe the change in Buster. The puppy is in all smiles and house is also spic and span once again and all is well in the Tandon household.

DILO Pet website for furry babies accessories